The Italian travel glossy Voyage doesn't exist anymore. That's a pity, since our co-operation was rather special. The editors wished to receive our digital images in exactly the needed sizes and output-sharpened. We could deliver that, because we received the exact lay-out they had made with our previews. This working method had advantages for both sides. The magazine saved on costs, while we as photographers remained responsible for the final quality of the pictures, like the exact croppings and the way the colours of the pictures related to each other. It led to the best possible lay-out, making the designer happy. And we were happy as well, since we had a say in the final results.
With the lay-out of In The Land Of The Pioneers, originally titled In Search of The Wave, Voyage emphasized the geological strangeness of the Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness.
You can see the entire publication, which has been written by Paul Smit, with photos of Mick Palarczyk as well, here.